Media awareness resources: «15 questions to ask of popular history»

Previous blog posts have emphasized the urgent need for relevant media awareness resources.

This is why Damaris web sites such as the established Culture Watch and the emerging EngagingMedia are so important…

It is therefore a joy to announce yet another brilliant Engaging Media-resource by Mark Meynell (of All Soul’s Church, Langham Preaching and Quaerentia):



Mark has previously contributed «12 questions to ask of albums» and «20 questions to ask of a novel«. All of these resources are highly recommended – both for practical everday use with media messages and for further reflection on significant media awareness approaches.

If you enjoy popular history, albums or novels, – read, rest and reflect…!


Norsk: I flere tidligere blogginnlegg har vi vektlagt behovet for relevante mediebevisstgjøringsressurser, slik som Damaris-nettstedene Kulturvinduet og EngagingMedia. Derfor er det en glede å informere om at Mark Meynell nå har publisert enda en ypperlig ressurs, denne gang med 15 aktuelle spørsmål til populærhistoriske fremstillinger. Les, bli inspirert og litt klokere!