Inspired by Truth – the legacy of Schaeffer

On the occasion of Francis A Schaeffer’s 100th birthday today, it is worth noticing these words from David Wells:

Schaeffer inspired us as he engaged the artists, musicians and philosophers of his day.  It was not so much the engagement itself that moved us as the realization of how great and grand is the truth which God has given us, one that is large enough and deep enough to speak to every human situation.  At L’Abri, we were talking about reality in a way that was authentic.



Norsk:Francis Schaeffers hundreårsdag merker vi oss at Schaeffers arv er levende og fortsatt inspirerer mange. Ikke minst gjelder dette hans evne til å lytte til enkeltmennesker og til kulturen, med utgangspunkt i en dyp overbevisning om den kristne troens sannhet. (Jeg henviser ellers til artikler av og om Schaeffer i Theoofilos nr. 3-4 / 2011.)