The website was launched in June 2015. This is the global online hub for The Lausanne Media Engagement Network.

Lausanne Media Engagement Network (feautured on Lausanne’s new website, which was launched in November / December 2014)

«Media Engagement: A Global Missiological Task« (Lausanne Global Analysis, January 2014)

Media and Mission in a Globalized World: A Call to Action from the Lausanne Global Consultation on the Gospel and Media (Brea, LA, November 2013)

«Media Messages Matter: Towards a New Missiological Approach to Media Engagement» (Norwegian Journal of Missiology, June 2014).


(Updated 13th January 2016)




Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication (NLA University College) has been asked to continue in its role as a resource centre for the international Lausanne Movement in the area of media, with the tasks of contributing, facilitating and networking.

The basis for our continued global involvement is the threefold media challenge in The Cape Town Commitment (CTC):


4. Truth and the globalized media

We commit ourselves to a renewed critical and creative engagement with media and technology, as part of making the case for the truth of Christ in our media cultures. We must do so as God’s ambassadors of truth, grace, love, peace and justice.

We identify the following major needs:

A)    Media awareness: to help people develop a more critical awareness of the messages they receive, and of the worldview behind them. The media can be neutral, and sometimes gospel friendly. But they are also used for pornography, violence and greed. We encourage pastors and churches to face these issues openly and to provide teaching and guidance for believers in resisting such pressures and temptations.

B)    Media presence: to develop authentic and credible Christian role models and communicators for the general news media and the entertainment media, and to commend these careers as a worthy means of influence for Christ.

C)    Media ministries: to develop creative, combined and interactive use of ‘traditional’, ‘old’ and ‘new’ media, to communicate the gospel of Christ in the context of a holistic biblical worldview.

This threefold media challenge is to a large extent shaped by my Cape Town 2010 Advance Paper and corresponds conceptually to the vision of this blog.

The global resource site is gradually being established in response to the three key needs identified in the quote from The Cape Town Commitment above. The site has already a number of significant media awareness resources.

Among other strategic initatives should also the following be mentioned: (1) courses and seminars on media awareness and media critique, (2) a regional consultation at Gimlekollen (7th-11th Nov 2012) and (3) various publications.


The background to this involvement was the fact that Gimlekollen was invited to be a significant contributor to The Lausanne III Congress in Cape Town 2010 in the area on Media and Technology.

This included (1) the ongoing Lausanne Global Conversation on Media and Technology, (2) the multiplex session at the Congress on Media Messages Matter: On Global Technologies, Glocal Trends and Gospel Truth and (3) subsequent dialogue sessions during the Congress on media awareness.

It should also be mentioned that six Gimlekollen students were interns at the Cape Town Congress. Their task was to establish and produce a Norwegian web site for global mission, with young Christians in Norway as a key target group. The site is called Intomission and is now maintained by Damaris Norway.


MhG var sentral faglig bidragsyter på Lausanne III-kongressen i Cape Town 2010. Jeg presenterer MhGs faglige rolle og bidrag på denne globale misjonskongressen i artikkelen Medier og misjon i 2010 .

Det bør også nevnes at seks MhG-studenter hadde praksisplasser under kongressen. Deres oppgave var å etablere en norsk nettside om global misjon, rettet mot unge kristne i Norge. Dette resulterte i Intomission som fortsatt drives av Damaris Norge.

MhG er spurt av ledelsen i den internasjonale Lausanne-bevegelsen om å ha en sentral rolle med tanke på den faglige videreføringen av temaet «sannheten og de globaliserte mediene», for å bruke formuleringen i Cape Town-erklæringen. Dette inkluderer bl.a. følgende:

1) videreføring av ressurssiden EngagingMedia

2) videreutvikling av kurstilbud om mediebevisstgjøring og mediekritikk

3) en regional og rådgivende mediekonsultasjon på MhG 7-11/11 2012

4) publiseringer av artikler / bøker


Se også artikkelen «Lausanne III og media» i Innsyn nr 1/2011 s. 46-53.


(Updated 28th September 2012)