Video resources: Media Engagement in Practice


This video presents my two minute answer to the following question: «How should Christians engage with the media’s message?» The focus is on the essential role of Christian journalists in mainstream media.

You may also find my following 2-5 minutes video answers stimulating and relevant:

The following videos present three 20 minutes talks on media engagement from ELF 2014. The first talk is on «media ministry / mission«. The title is Creative Connections: How Can Churches and Ministries Use Media More Effectively?.

The other two talks deal with «media presence» and «media awareness / critique«:


See also my popular article: «Media Engagement: A Global Missiological Task«. For an in-depth treatment of these issues, see my peer-reviewed article «Media Messages Matter: Towards a New Missiological Approach to Media Engagement«.

(The video resources introduced above were recorded and published by FOCLOnline.)


Norwegian: I dette blogginnlegget presenterer jeg en rekke videoressurser fra ELF 2014 om kristent medieengasjement.