Worldview approach to textual analysis: Grey’s Anatomy as a case study
«Kevin» asked in a comment to a previous blog post about any writings that illustrate the use of the worldview approach to textual analysis that was outlined in the Budskap 2006 FMH paper [see pp.165-174].
Therefore, I am publishing (with permission!) a helpful article by Ingvild Thu Kro (Damaris Norway) on the popular TV series Grey’s Anatomy:
This article is based on a comprehensive Damaris report (in Norwegian from 2008) on this series. The Damaris report actually made the headlines in a major Norwegian tabloid!
Norsk: Livssynsteori er et fruktbart perspektiv i kvalitativ tekstanalyse av medietekster. Dette illustreres av artikkelen om den populære TV-serien Grey’s Anatomy som publiseres i dette blogginnlegget. Som en kuriositet kan nevnes at rapporten (som artikkelen bygger på) fikk et flott oppslag i VGs nettavis!