[Lausanne Global Conversation] Is truth also that which changes and transforms?
The criteria of truth play a key role in my CT2010 advance paper on Media Messages Matter: On Christ, Truth and the Media.
Some people have asked me to expand on my use of truth as «that which changes and transforms». I have just published a comment in the ongoing Lausanne Global Conversation which briefly explains why our understanding both of truth in general and of Christian truth also should include this dimension of truth.
You may find a fuller explanation of all the three major truth criteria here.
Norsk: Sannhetskriteriene spiller en sentral rolle i min CT2010-artikkel Media Messages Matter: On Christ, Truth and the Media. Flere har spurt meg om å klargjøre og utfylle «sannhet som det som forandrer og forvandler». Se min kommentar – og et lengre informativt sitat.