«Dawkins & Others Run from Bill Craig»

Open, fair and public debate on key issues has a signifcant role to play in today’s media society. This certainly includes worldview debates, such as public discussions between apologists representing influential religious and secular beliefs.

One would presume that this should be possible to agree on, regardless of worldview conviction, both in principle and in practice. Therefore, it is indeed very strange that three leading lights of The British Humanist Association (i.e. Richard Dawkins, A. C. Grayling and Polly Toynbee) has declined to debate wellknown Christian philosopher William Lane Craig in October during The Reasonable Faith 2011 Tour.

Here is a video about this strange phenomenon, with wonderful British humour:




Norsk: Biologen og nyateisten Richard Dawkins besøkte nylig Oslo for å motta æresdoktorat ved UiO (se bl.a. denne debatt-tråden på verdidebatt.no). Dawkins sterke offentlige profilering av sitt eget livssynsstandpunkt rimer dårlig med at han samtidig nekter å møte den profilerte kristne filosofen William Lane Craig til debatt i Oxford i oktober. Dessverre gjelder dette flere ledende britiske ateister.

Videoen publisert ovenfor ser på dette merkelige fenomenet med en god porsjon britisk humor. Her er lenke til denne videoen: British Humanists (Toynbee, Dawkins & Grayling) Run from William Lane Craig.