Material from the MA course «Understanding Ethics: A Christian Perspective»; taught as a foundation course for the MA in Journalism and Media Studies programme at Uganda Christian University.

Core curriculum [required reading]:

  • David Gooding and John Lennox, The Bible and Ethics. A Handbook for Students and Teachers (Coleraine: Myrtlefield House, 2015); also available online as pdf.
  • John Stott and Roy McCloughry, Issues Facing Christians Today (Grand Rapids, MI; Zondervan, 2006; 4th ed.); pp. 23-95, three selected chapters (i.e. one chapter from each of the sections “global issues”, “social issues”, “personal issues”), and pp. 485-501.

JMS FS 2102 Understanding Ethics – Syllabus (2018).


  1. Understanding Ethics – Introduction
  2. The Moral and Ethical Teaching of the Old Testament
  3. The Moral and Ethical Teachings of Jesus Christ
  4. Christian Ethics – An Overview
  5. (5-A) Model for Approaching Ethical Issues / (5-B) Ethical issues-Guide to reading and writing
  6. Human Rights
  7. Global Poverty
  8. Celebrating Ethnic Diversity
  9. Social Issues – a brief overview
  10. Men and women
  11. Life and death
  12. Summary conclusions and reflections


(Updated 7th Feb. 2018)