Welcome to EngagingMedia.info

Damaris Norway has recently launched the new website EngagingMedia on behalf of the Lausanne Media Engagement Network, with Tony Watkins as editor.

As Lausanne Senior Associate for Media Engagement, it is my pleasure and privilege to introduce the website in this video:


There is a growing number of articles and resources on the website, related to (a) «media awareness», (b) «media presence», and (c) «media ministries». Do explore!

Recommended: Interview in Evangelical Focus with editor Tony Watkins: «Christian are not always good at responding to mainstream media constructively»



Damaris Norge lanserte nylig Engaging Media som ressursside for Lausannebevegelsens globale medienettverk.

Les gjerne nyhetssaken på damaris.no.

I anledning av lanseringen ble jeg også intervjuet av Kjetil Fyllingen i Lekendelett Podcast:


(Updated 19th August 2015)